Friday, May 25, 2007

All about garages!

I'm gonna be out of town this weekend, so here's the Sunday update early.

Yes, from the author that brought you 'Yards,' we now have a discussion of garages. Looking through Author's other journal entries (which are about articles aren't as amusing as these two), I think these are probably for some sort of urban planning course.

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If the above link goes down, I made a mirrored version here.

Also, while I appreciate all our new visitors' comments, please don't link your blog unless your site is relevant to the kinds of things on this site. If you write about fiction, grammar, or teaching? Cool, thanks for the link. If you write a run-on sentence spam advertisment blog? Deleted.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Please bear with me

We got featured on blogger which has brought in a lot of traffic. The site's gonna be going slow while we deal with this huge traffic spike. I'm working on making sure that mirrors of all files get up soon so you can read at a decent speed. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before all my imageshack links go down

/needs a for-real image host

edit: for the imagesocket mirrors, you may have to click on the image to make it readable once it loads.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

All about yards!

Yards are amazing! Yards!

yards upper class

Mirror in case the above link goes down:
Image hosted by

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ur baby

An anon reader so kindly sent in this written conversation he found in the fishbowl

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cletus (pages 8-12)

I'm not sure about how I feel about how satisfying the ending is or isn't. Maybe I'm just too scared that the conclusion of this paper shows clear signs of revision.
cletus southern stereotypes

suthern sterotypes yall

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Cletus (pages 1-7)

A lazy story devoid of a plot other than the fact that the mother is fat and that angers Cletus. Despite my claims of "foreshadowing!" I haven't read any further than these seven pages (of fourteen twelve) so get your own predictions in now.

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Found right on top of a Fishbowl scanner, already stapled and inside a bluebook.

southern sterotypes

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

[Web] Alternative Spring Break - w4m - 20

With material low during the summer, I thought it might be a good idea to extend Fishbowl's reach to the Web. What to you guys think about having the occasional (preferably college related) post?

Today's gathering comes from this Ann Arbor Craigslist missed connection:

Date: 2007-04-17, 2:22AM EDT

I met you on ASB in North Carolina. I was the blonde sorority girl who blacks out. You were the burly, nature-loving wilderness man. I think I saw you at the UGLI tonight. I can't get you out of my mind, boy your loving's all i think about...

* Location: University of Michigan

alternative spring break

Also, I like her "girl who blacks out" typo. It reads as if blacking out isn't something that happened once (like if she said "I was the girl who blacked out"), but rather something that happens habitually to the point that it's a distinguishing characteristic.