Link: Ly Detector awesomely finds -ly words
Lifehacker has a program on the lookout for adverbs. It'll find and highlight all words that end in -ly on websites that you specify. Quote:
"If you're at all familiar with Strunk and White, you know that excessive use of adverbs - words that end in -ly - isn't a sign of strong writing. All of us writers struggle with sentence-weakening generally's and relatively's at times, but now there's a Greasemonkey script that highlights adverbial transgressions on the web automatically."[via Hackszine]
because we all know that Adverbs are The Devil ;-P
"you're right!" (he said decisively)
what's wrong with using adverbs liberally?
i am constantly using adverbs. lovingly of course :)
I have no idea, still, why you posted this.
You spelled 'detector' wrong.
-points and laughs-
ha, i'm such a n00b. thanks anonymous
Question: how DO you communicate "he lazily walked down the block" without using adverbs?
joel! so harsh! tehe
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